Category Archives: Uncategorized
Fire Wood…
Are You A Pioneer? Or A Settler?

All of us have limiting beliefs about ourself. Even the most positive of people have their moments of self-doubt. Self-doubt and limiting beliefs put a roof on our potential. If there is one thing that we have in this life, and I mean everyone, it is potential. But if we are not careful the thoughts […]
Sample #4 From My New Book…
Sample #4 from my new book that comes out this week, “THE WORSHIP REVOLUTION”. Pre-Order a copy if you haven’t done so already here Inside-Out Worship Worship must start in our heart but be seen at all times. Being a true worshiper causes worship to come out through our actions, conversations, and attitudes […]
Sample #3 From My New Book…”The Worship Revolution”
Sample #2 From My New Book…
Sample #1 From My New Book…
New Year…New Opportunities…
My First Worship Album on iTunes…
Click the Album Cover to Purchase on iTunes My very first worship album, The Reality, was released today on iTunes. The album has 10 originally written songs. It captures the simple heart of a worshiper that knows “the reality” of what it means to worship. These songs were birthed out of experiences and inspiration over my […]
What Is In Your Coffee?

Check out some of these interesting coffee statistics… > Specialty coffee sales are increasing by 20% per year and account for nearly 8% of the 18 billion dollar U.S. coffee market. > 50% of the population, equivalent to 150 million Americans, drink espresso, cappuccino, latte, or iced/cold coffees. > Independent coffee shops equal $12 billion in annual sales. > Over 50% of […]