Thanksgiving is a great time of the year.  Thanksgiving is about “Giving” and “Thanks”.  We have to GIVE in order to truly be THANKFUL.  Thankfulness comes from giving thanks for all the great things we have in life.  Many times we take life for granted.  Life is a precious gift we have been given by […]

The Tongue…

This last Sunday I spoke at Hoosier Harvest Church for our Authority series we are currently doing.  It has been a great series and I had the opportunity to talk about “The Tongue” Words are powerful.  God used words to speak the world into existence.  He would say, “Let there be…” and it was.  Words […]

Get Perspective…

Before we make a choice we first need to step back and look at the whole situation we are facing.  We need to get perspective.  Perspective can change everything.  Remember the popular hologram pictures? When you stood just in the right place, an abstract picture would change before your very eyes to a beautiful scene.  […]