Category Archives: Uncategorized
How Do You Talk To Others?
Do You Talk To Yourself?
Mission Drifting…
Crowd Control…
Remember the question…”If everyone jumped off a bridge would you do it too?” As a teenager you would quickly answer…”NO!” to this question. Unfortunately though, most people need to answer this question with a loud…”YES!” We are so driven by what others think and what others are doing. We are influenced by others more than […]
Comfort vs. Courage
Following the purposes of God will take courage. God is a God of courageous moves. Jesus was a risk taker, not a comfort sleeper. Jesus made bold moves that ruffled the feathers of the comfort kings (also known as the pharisees). The Bible is full of courageous people who stepped out with courageous faith. There […]
Image Inspiration…Wax Figures…
Image Inspiration…The Cash-Register…
Erin and I have 2 beautiful daughters that love to play with cash-registers. Kids have a fascination with the whole idea of ringing items up and the transaction of buying goods from them. I think every kid at some point has played with a cash-register and had a great time. I can remember working a […]