Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Art of Living
A Beautiful Collision?
Last Sunday morning we continued our series, “A Beautiful Collision” at HHC. That morning I shared about our “Life Bucket” (you can watch or listen to the message here). You see we all have an invisible bucket in our life where we collect and store certain characteristics. We get these characteristics from our experiences, other […]
Time Keeps On Tickin’…
On Sunday mornings we have been doing a series called, MOMENTUM. Pastor Chris has been doing an amazing job communicating some great things for us. This last Sunday he had a great thought… “Worry is thinking about things you DON’T want to happen…Faith is thinking about things you DO want to happen.” What a great […]
A New Year
Christmas Time…
I absolutely LOVE Christmas time, have I mentioned that yet? Now that we are only a week and a half away from Christmas it is time to kick things into high gear. Tonight we are going to the Creation Museum to see their Bethlehem walk-thru, which I hear is awesome! Excited to take our family there and we hope […]
Painting Classes January 2012…
Light of The World
I love Christmas time, the music, the food, the movies, the decor, the traditions, the holiday cheer, the atmosphere, and above all…the MEANING, Jesus Christ and His birth on the earth. I have been thinking and praying about my message I am giving on Sunday, December 18th @ HHC these last few days and one thing […]