Category Archives: Uncategorized
5 Lessons I Learned From My Flat Tire…
When Your Faith Is Leading Your Feet Will Follow.
Who Is Your Conductor?

In my early twenties while living in Knoxville, Tennessee I was invited by a group of friends to attend the University of Tennessee’s Symphony Orchestra concert. I gladly accepted the invitation and went to the event expecting to have a good time listening to the orchestra but what I received was far more than I expected. […]
Close Your Eyes And Pull Out Your Muscles
What Determines Your Outcome?
4 Things To Think About When It Comes To H.O.P.E.

Rabbi Hugo Grynn, was sent to Auschwitz as a little boy. In the midst of the concentration camp, in the midst of the death and horror all around them, many Jews held onto whatever shreds of their religious observances they could, without drawing the ire of the guards. One cold winter’s evening, Hugo’s father gathered […]
Burn Your Commitment…

In the year of 1519 Hernán Cortés, with some 500 Spaniards, 16 horses and 11 boats, had landed on the inland plateau called, Mexico. The Spanish conquistador and his men set out on a conquest that hoarded great treasures. But, with only 500 men, who were without amor this would seem nearly impossible. The task […]
Get Your Head In The Clouds

One beautiful evening an older couple were eating dinner at a fancy restaurant. The wife noticed another couple about their age sitting in a booth nearby. She saw the husband sitting close to his wife, with his arm around her. He was whispering things in her ear, and she was smiling and blushing. He gently […]