Let’s breakdown Colossians 2:6-7
Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV)
6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
Live Your Lives In Him
The Apostle Paul is reminding us to live IN Christ. Not just around Him, not just beside Him, but IN Him. We are to bring Christ into everything we do. He is not just another element of our life. We don’t compartmentalize our lives with family, work, friends, community, then Christ as just another domain. Instead, He should be the central part of every area of our lives. We bring Christ into each domain of our lives because we are to live IN Him, meaning everywhere we go, He goes. Christ lives in us, and we are to reflect that in everything we do and everywhere we go.
Rooted And Built Up In Him
A tree is as healthy as its root system. The deeper the roots, the taller and healthier the tree. Our faith is the same way. The deeper we go in our relationship with Christ, the greater our impact becomes. The question we have to ask ourselves is, “How deep am I going in my relationship with Christ?” Are we spending time with Him seeking Him and His wisdom? Our roots must dig deep into Christ through His Word, worshipping Him, and reflecting His character to those around us. The more we root ourselves in Christ, the higher we go in life.
Strengthened In The Faith
Our faith is like a muscle. The more we stretch it and work it, the stronger it becomes. However, the less we use it and live without pushing ourselves, the weaker our faith becomes. Over time, your faith will either get stronger or weaker, but it won’t stay the same. We have to intentionally work our faith for it to get stronger. So what are you believing God for? What are you doing to stretch your faith and step out further than you ever have? Just like our bodies have to be under tension to build muscle, so our faith has to be pushed hard. You can’t expect to get strong and healthy without pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and faith is no different. So what are you doing to push yourself out of your comfort zone into the faith zone?
Overflowing With Thankfulness
Thankfulness breeds faithfulness. The more grateful you are towards something or someone, the more faithful you are. It’s our gratitude that motivates us. When we truly see the grace and mercy of Christ, it causes us to respond. When we truly encounter the love of God, it changes us from the inside out. How can we not help but worship a God that created us and calls us to an extraordinary destiny in Him? If ever we become discouraged, it’s typically because we have lost our gratitude and thankfulness or at least forgotten it. Keep your eyes on the goodness of God, and you’ll be driven and overflowing with thankfulness because of what He’s done for you, is doing for you, and will do for you!
These are just some thoughts that jump out to me as I read this great verse. If you want more content like this, where I break down scriptures, check out my latest book, Scripture Breakdowns: 12 Pivotal Verses Unpacked Line By Line, available on Amazon.
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