In my early twenties while living in Knoxville, Tennessee I was invited by a group of friends to attend the University of Tennessee’s Symphony Orchestra concert. I gladly accepted the invitation and went to the event expecting to have a good time listening to the orchestra but what I received was far more than I expected. From the first tune played to the applause at the end I was blown away at the lessons I learned while watching. I took out my 2 page folded program, borrowed a pen and filled every blank spot on the bulletin with notes. I still have it to this day in a drawer in my office. I learned more about life in that two hour event than any other person there guaranteed. An orchestra is one of the best visuals for life there is. Let me explain just one thing that stuck out to me…
There Is A Conductor…
A symphony would be chaos without a conductor. The conductor orchestrates the whole performance. Everyone’s eyes and attention are on the conductor as he or she leads the score. In the same way, everyone is conducted by someone or something. Everyone is led by their conductor. The question is,
“who is conducting your life?”
Who or whatever is elevated to the highest place in your life is what will conduct your actions. When fear is elevated at the highest point in your life, your actions will follow. If an addiction is elevated to the highest point in your life, your actions will follow it’s lead. If you are elevated to the highest point in your life, pride will determine your actions. However, when Christ is elevated to the highest point in your life, He will lead and guide your every step. And you can trust that His conducting is the best score you will ever play!
We must be ready when Christ our conductor points to us and calls on us to go. As we watch Him we get our leading, our part, our timing, our rhythm. The Bible encourages us to “lift our eyes up to the mountain where our help comes from.” When we lift our eyes up to the highest elevation in our life we should see Christ as the center of our affection. When He is our focus, He will lead our every note in life. We will play the beautiful song He has destined for us.
So my challenge today to all of us is…Who is conducting your life? Who or what is elevated to the highest point in your life?
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