I grew up in Indiana where we have some snowy and icy winters. I remember the first time I lost control of my little 89’ Ford Escort on a snow covered road. It was the scariest feeling I had ever felt while driving. I came around a corner too fast and the car began to slide. I slammed on the breaks thinking it would stop, but I just kept sliding along the road. I remember pushing the breaks down harder hoping it would cause the car to stop sliding, but I was at the mercy of the ice. Thankfully, I didn’t wreck. I slowed to a stop just before I hit a tree. There was nothing I could do but just wait for the car to lose momentum as I was sliding. I was totally out of control of the situation.
We don’t like to lose control do we? Losing control is a scary feeling. If you are like me, you probably try to hold on to control when it comes to your relationship with God. We want to be the ones in charge. We want to be the ones that call the shots. We may not say it, but our actions and fear show it. The reality is we need to hand over control to the one who is truly in control. Sometimes life gets slippery and we can lose control of what is happening around us, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose our trust in God. We must trust.
To trust someone is to hand over control to them. When you hand over control to someone else you are saying that you trust them. You will not willingly hand over control to someone you don’t trust. So, to hand over control to God, is to place your trust in Him. Sometimes we run from our purpose because we don’t want to trust in the midst of chaos. We want to do what we want to do, when we want to do it, how we want to do it, and where we want to do it.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
In what ways do you try to take control rather than handing control over to God? What areas do you find yourself having a hard time letting go of? Is it your reputation? Is it your finances? Is it your attitude? Is it your future? Is it your family?
We must trust God and surrender our control to Him. And surrendering is truly the right word. We have to raise the white flag and submit to God’s ways. He is the authority over us and the one who knows best. You can trust that God will never let you down, and certainly never call you to something that will ruin your life. He is the one who completes our life, not tears it apart.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
God’s promises are true, they are not just hopeful wishes. You can trust God. He will not forsake us and leave us high and dry. He is always there even in the darkest times. Whatever you are facing, no matter what, trust that God will do what is best as you trust Him. Surrender your fears and your worry as you trust that God if faithful to direct your steps. Stop being a control freak and start becoming a faith freak.
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