Having critical faith corrupts the crucial commitments it takes to move forward. By definition alone, faith requires an optimistic commitment to an unwavering belief for the future. Critical and cynical faith is an oxymoron, it doesn’t fit together. When we are cynical about our belief it corrupts our faithfulness.
James 1:6 (NIV)
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
The Bible tells us that when we doubt (being critical) we are like a wave that is tossed around corrupted by chaos. You can’t truly commit to an unwavering faith unless your faith is built on pure belief! I wonder how many times our faith has been corrupted by doubt and thus it results in missed opportunity and missed potential. True faith is a sold out trust that God is who He said He is, and will do what He said He will do….period. To allow cynicism and doubt to contaminate our faith corrupts the commitment we must have to follow Christ with our whole heart.
In my book, FAITHOLOGY: 12 Ideas To Rock Your Faith I wrote, The only way to have this kind of outlook is to completely trust that God is good and His plans for you are good. If you don’t truly believe that God’s plans are for your good, you can never truly be committed to an unwavering faith. If you don’t hold on to the promise from Romans 8:28 your faith can be easily corrupted.
Romans 8:28 (NIV)
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
(Check out my blog on a breakdown of this verse)
My challenge to you is this:
Is your faith for the future built on the belief that God is completely in control and will guide you into every season? Of is there a corruption of doubt within you? Some of you are facing situations right now that you’re not sure what the future holds or how to get there…don’t be discouraged…be filled with wonder and faith that God wants to use you for greatness! Rise up and put your trust in the one who will always lead you exactly where you need to be. And don’t allow cynicism corrupt your commitment to that belief!
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