I often get asked how I have time to write multiple books, write for two blogs, write songs, create artwork and teach others how to do so, hold leadership coaching sessions, read, study, meet with people, pastor, teach, speak, enjoy family, have personal time, and everything else I like to do. My response is, “I will sleep when I die.” The truth is, I am on the journey of learning how to make the most of my days just like everyone else. I decided years ago when I gave my life to Christ that I would live life to the fullest by making the most of it. I figured that if God gave me the gift of life I should give Him the gift of making the best of it! I thrive off of doing everything that God has put in my heart to do, and yes I do sleep, I actually enjoy it at times!
I do not have a secret formula that others do not have, I simply don’t sit around and DO NOTHING! Wait, did you hear that? I don’t sit around and DO NOTHING! Sure, there are times I take it easy and rest like anyone else, but I figure life is about living not sitting. When others are sitting around thinking about what they would love to do, I just do it! I don’t sit around thinking about writing a book one day, I start writing it. I don’t sit around hoping to teach leadership to others, I pursue opportunities to speak. I don’t sit around wishing I wrote a song that could help people connect with God, I use the skills God has given me and write one. I don’t talk myself out of it, I JUST DO IT!
Most people get stuck because they want to start on the level of amazing, but nothing starts amazing, things only get amazing with hard work and practice. No one starts by being a master, they start by being a rookie. When it comes to my life I don’t talk myself out of acting and I don’t make excuses to not start!
Indecision is the MURDERER of productivity! And PROCRASTINATION is its weapon of choice!
Nothing will make you feel more unfulfilled than wasted time! Always know what you are doing with your time, at all times. If you don’t know where your time is going you will never be able to use it to its fullest potential.
I have some deep wisdom for you…are you ready? Here it is…
You will NEVER finish something you never START!
So while others are waiting to start, just START! I have never seen someone complete a project they never started. I have never seen someone sit around thinking about doing something and it magically happen without any effort. Procrastination and wishing never get anyone anywhere! So instead of wasting the precious days God has given us, I say life is about making the best use of them. Look what God’s word says…
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.