You have greatness within you. That’s right, you have been designed with specific gifts that only you possess. But few people ever tap into their abilities. Albert Schweitzer said, “The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.” You don’t want to be like the the gravestone that read, “Died at 30…buried at 90.”
The greatest lie of the enemy is that you have nothing special to offer this world. It is the one lie that has kept multitudes of people trapped inside the chains of unworthiness. But it is just a lie. A dark, nasty, disgusting lie from the very pit of Hell. God created you as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. You are His handiwork, engineered for greatness. You have limitless potential, because you were created by a limitless God.
But in order to tap into this potential you have to believe in your gifts. You have to believe that you have something special to offer this world. Most people do not recognize their skills because it is so natural to them. They think it is commonly natural to everyone else as well. But what you overlook about your skills is usually the area you are gifted in the most. I have always heard the excuse that people think their gift and skills are nothing special. They talk themselves out of stepping out because they hear the lie they have nothing to offer.
There are always similarities between our skills and the skills of others, but they are never the exact same. Don’t belittle your gift and skills because you think they are common. Step out and use your skills to make a difference. Be confident in the gifts you have. Don’t let the limiting belief of sameness keep you from being unique.
What is it that you think you are gifted at?
The next time you say to yourself, “You don’t have anything unique” slap yourself! That’s right, slap some hope into your life. We need to build ourselves up, not tear ourselves down.
1 Timothy 1:6-7 (NIV)
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
Fan the flame of your skills and begin to trust God to use them in a greater way. Don’t let enemy steal your future by believing you are flawed. Never make an internal agreement with your external adversary.
Here are 4 quick questions to help you identify your skills…
1) What Are You Passionate About?
The areas you are most passionate about usually involve your skills. What do you read about, think about, and ask questions about? These insights will help you know your true passions. Leonardo da Vinci said, “Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art.”
2) What Have You Succeeded At In The Past?
It doesn’t matter you have talked about doing; what matters is what you have successfully done. What tasks, events, programs, or opportunities have you excelled in? Success in a particular area indicates an individual’s skill. You will not excel in things you are bad at.
3) What Comes Easily To You?
We are naturally intuitive in the area of our skills. When you are able to learn a new skill quickly or accomplish assignments efficiently, it is usually a great indicator of your strengths. What comes easily to you? What do you accomplish faster than anyone else? What do you inherently know faster than others? What area do you just have that “gut feeling” that seems to guide you in your decision making?
4) What Do You Make Better?
When you have a strength in a given skill, you are clearly good at it. If you want to know if you are gifted in an area see if you make it bigger or smaller. Highly gifted individuals will take a project and add to it rather than subtract from it. They will tend to be more thorough in the execution than average. What do you do that seems to be better when you get a hold of it?
Don’t die while you live. Lead your life by believing in yourself, believing in your purpose, and believing in your skills. Catherine of Siena said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
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