Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Eagles are a sign of strength. They are the American symbol because of it’s characteristics. Eagles fly high above the storms and are able to withstand the winds that oppose their direction. No wonder Isaiah said God will mount us up on Eagle’s wings. He is giving us a picture of the life God has called us to. A life that soars. That is what an Eagle does, fly’s up and away above the fray.
Dreams are not found on ground level they are above us. God-sized dreams are beyond our own ability. They cause us to stretch. Dreams do not manifest in our present, they manifest in our future. They take us where we have not yet gone. That is why we have to chase after them. We should always have dreams we are reaching for. You can’t sail to new lands unless you are willing to lose sight of the shore. Once we reach those dreams and they become a reality we need to dream bigger, beyond where we are again. We are called to be dream chasers. Those that are always soaring higher and higher into the dreams called has called us to live out. Only in chasing those dreams do we find a successful life. A life full of adventure.
Make no mistake though, it is not all smooth soaring. Even adventures have hard times that challenge us. Almost every adventure brings more risk than comfort. Risk to step out beyond our circumstances and experiences into the unknown of uncharted territory. Dream chasers live a risky life. Not a reckless life, but a risky life. They are willing to step out beyond their reservations and take risks. As I wrote about in my book LIFE RULES…their purpose is more important than their comfort. And if that purpose causes them to risk their comfort, they forge ahead.
When God called Abraham to leave his hometown of Ur and go to an unknown land, he went. When God called Noah to build an ark in the midst of a drought, he did it (It took over a hundred years of commitment to finish the ark). When God called Jeremiah to speak and be a prophet, he stepped out even though he felt like a child and was completely unqualified for the task. When God called Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he left the comfort of being the king’s right hand man in a beautiful palace. He moved to a wasteland of hard-work and sleepless nights. When Jesus called the disciples they left their secure fishing jobs immediately. No two week notice or anything, they just dropped their nets and gave their life to follow Jesus.
God is still in the business of putting dreams in us that cause us to chase after them. What are the dreams that God has put in you? What dreams do you have to make a difference? Are you chasing your dreams? We all have so much potential in this life. Potential that we don’t even know of yet. Hidden within us is a limitless sea of opportunity. Thomas Edison said, “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Dream BIG and chase your dreams…never give up!
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