If you have not read my last few posts about being a Firelighter you can do so here…
The 2nd way to be a Firelighter is…
2. Be Excellent
Do what you do with excellence. This means giving your all no matter what you are doing! Excellence is not being the best, it is doing the best with what you have! Make sure that you live your life with excellence in order to keep the fire burning bright within you. Doing the best with what you have is about living life to your fullest potential. The goal of life should be to die empty, meaning that we squeezed every ounce of our purpose out of us before we finish. Too many people will die full of unused potential within them. What a tragedy that man, the ultimate creation from God, would finish with unused gifts and skills. Living with excellence is about doing your best to live your best!
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
Not matter what we are doing we should be doing it as unto the Lord. Everything we do should be worthy of honoring God. Our job, our family, our life should be something we do with ALL our heart! Seeking excellence in all that you do requires a growth mindset. You can’t pursue excellence and not be challenging yourself to grow! When you stop growing you stop going! When you stop going, you become stagnant and stale. Having a growth mindset means that you are always learning! When you live life with a growth mindset you will always have greater opportunities in front of you. It is when we stop growing that the opportunities stop existing. We should always be striving to grow in order to be the best we can be. No matter what area it is in we need to be a better spouse, parent, worker, etc… we always should be moving forward. We are spiritual beings created by a limitless God therefore we will always want to be, do, and have more. We will always seek fuller expression and fuller expansion because we are a child of the unlimited God! Coach Vince Lombardi said,
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”
Seek to be the best you can be and you will keep the fire lit inside of you! Having a growth mindset keeps the fire stoked within!
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