Get Growing Into Your Future

In Ephesians 2, Paul reminds us that we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do. This scripture highlights a profound truth: God has already mapped out a path filled with opportunities for us. However, the question isn’t whether God has prepared these opportunities—He certainly has—but rather, are we prepared to walk in them?

Often, we stress about the future, whether it’s about marriage, career, finances, or retirement. We wonder if we’ll ever achieve our goals or if we’ll be able to handle what life throws at us. But we must remember that God has already laid out everything we need for our journey. He’s prepared every step, every opportunity, and every challenge. But there’s a catch: we must be prepared to experience them.

Our prepardness to walk in the opportunities God has laid out depends on our growth. If we aren’t growing, we risk missing the path He’s destined for us. We might start drifting, losing sight of the mission, and veering off course. This “mission drift” leads us away from where we’re meant to be, and we find ourselves struggling or stagnant because we weren’t prepared.

In the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches that if God cares for the sparrows, how much more does He care for us? He has everything in place for our lives, both the good and the challenging, all serving a purpose. That’s why He tells us to seek first the kingdom of God, and all things will be added unto us. When we prioritize seeking Him, everything we need will be provided in His timing.

But again, the question arises: Are we growing into the potential God has placed within us? Are we preparing ourselves for the opportunities ahead? Growth is essential because it equips us for the challenges and opportunities that await us in the future. If we’re not growing, we won’t be ready for what God has in store.

Let me simplify it: When we’re not growing, our opportunities hit a lid. We stagnate, and eventually, we regress. But when we’re growing, our opportunities continue to expand. They keep rising, offering us more and more as we move forward.

In essence, growth prepares us for opportunity. God has already mapped out an incredible journey for each of us, filled with moments that can shape our lives and fulfill our purpose. But we must grow to be ready to walk in those opportunities when they come. So, ask yourself, are you growing? Are you preparing yourself for the future God has already planned for you? Because only through growth can you fully experience the opportunities He has laid out for you.

So, get growing into your future!

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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