How To Get Ideas…Lesson #1


Ideas change the course of our life. The more ideas we have, and certainly the quality of ideas we have determine the life we live. Ideas are vital to living our potential. We are one idea away from a major breakthrough in our life. Financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc…

So how do you get ideas? What are they? How do you know which ones are worthy? What do you do with them? These are all questions I want to answer during the course of this blog series. So to start off, let’s talk about how to get ideas…

Thomas Edison said,

“To have a great idea, have a lot of them.”

Ideas birth ideas. If you want to have great ideas surround yourself with ideas. How do you surround yourself with ideas? You fill your mind with meaningful stuff. Fill your mind with information about the topic you want ideas in. If you want ideas on how to build a house would you study sowing? NO! You would get books, blogs, magazines, videos, etc… on how to build a house. The more information you put into your mind the more ideas you will get. Ideas breed more ideas. When you surround yourself with the topic you want to have ideas in you will find more ideas. Most people expect an idea to pop into their mind out of nowhere, but rarely does this happen. Usually it is through intentional thinking and studying about a subject that ideas are birthed. Ideas spawn many other ideas which in turns into great potential. Artist Pablo Picasso said,

“I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.”

Ideas are like a door, when you walk through one it leads to another. That door will lead to another door, which will lead to another door, which eventually will lead to a BIG door of opportunity. When it comes to ideas quantity is where you start. It usually takes 3-5 average ideas to turn into 1 good idea! And 5-8 good ideas to turn into 1 great idea! The more ideas you come up with the greater the odds you will get a great idea. When it comes to ideas you have to stay with the issue long enough to keep thinking of new ideas. Most people quit when no ideas are coming to them. They give up too early and stop short of ideas. Albert Einstein said,

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

Keep studying and filling your mind with information and resources about the topic you want to get ideas in. Stay with the subject each and every day. Earl Nightingale taught that if you study one subject for one hour a day for five years straight you will become an expert in that field. Why do you become an expert? Because you stay with the issue long enough to know it inside and out.

So how do you get ideas? Spend time thinking and surrounding yourself with resources in the topic you want ideas in!

Lesson #1 is…Spend Time Thinking

You have to take the time to consume your brain with ideas. Most people don’t spend enough time thinking. They are SO busy with life and zoning out that they don’t take the necessary time to simply think. You are today where your thoughts have taken you and you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you, so spend time THINKING! Carve out at least 20-30 minutes a day to simply think about ideas for whatever your need or opportunities are. Stay with the issue until you get a few ideas. Remember surround yourself with resources. READ, READ, READ…the best way to get ideas is to read about other people’s ideas. So if you are in need of finances read about how to grow your finances, you will be amazed at how many ideas you get! If you are in need of ideas about how to deal with people read about people connecting principles, you will be amazed at how many ideas you will get! Fill your mind with thoughts and there will be an overflow of ideas.

Click here for Lesson#2 on HOW TO GET IDEAS…

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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