Goals Are Dreams With Deadlines

The famous author Napoleon Hill said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.”

Goals are the targets we aim for and shoot at. They motivate us to keep moving forward; without them, it is easy to become complacent. Goals are God’s way of keeping us in a growth mindset. If you do not know where you’re supposed to end up, you will never reach your God-given destination.

When we stop challenging ourselves to move forward we will start moving backward. No one stays the same, we either move forward into progress or fall back into paralysis. We are either getting better or getting worse. We know this to be true by just observing our mental health. Research has shown that when we’re not working our brainpower it actually starts getting worse. Anything left unattended starts to breakdown over time. We need new challenges and goals to keep us on the path to our destiny. 

Motivational Speaker Mark Victor Hansen said, “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own.”

Keep your goal in front of you visually. Find something that will remind you of the result you are looking for. Some people put an old picture of themselves at the desired weight they want to be back at. Others will put up a picture that inspires them of the lifestyle they want financially. Some put an object on their desks such as a plaque, mock award, or anything that reminds them of their destination. Make sure whatever you do that you make your goal visual so that you are inspired each day to accomplish it.


What could you accomplish in the next 90 days that would dramatically change your future? 

Answer that question then get a plan and discipline yourself to go after it.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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