If you have not read the last few blogs about Godfidence check these out before reading this…
Godfidence…More Faith Less Fear
So we have been talking about moving from confidence which is your ability into Godfidence which is God’s ability. One of the ways we have Godfidence is to grow our faith. So today I want to talk about how do we get more faith?
1. Ask God For It
The first step in getting more faith is to simply ask God for more of it. We need to make our request known to God.
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Ask God to give you more faith, He is the great giver. If you desire for more faith in your life the simplest thing to do is go to God and begin to want it! Present your requests before God…BE specific – so you can recognize it when He answers! Remember the movie Evan Almighty? The wife of the modern day “Noah” was pouring out her spiritual frustration with the waiter (who was supposed to be God…a.k.a. Morgan Freeman) and this is what he says to her…
“Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?
God will give you opportunities to be faithful. So begin to ask Him for more faith!
2. Use What You’ve Got
Faith is like a muscle, the more we use it the bigger it gets. However, the less we use it the more it weakens. Take the faith you do have and begin to use it. God will provide situations where you will need to step out in faith…be faithful! It is not just the BIG things that we need faith for it is also about the small things in life. Be faithful to every opportunity He gives you to use your faith. Use it by stretching yourself and stepping out. Do something for God that you have been fearful of and take small steps. Guess how you make great leaps in life? Step by step, by step, by step, by step, etc… When you are faithful with the faith you do have, you will get more faith to do what you haven’t done!
3. Give It Away
Give your faith away by standing in the gap for others. Believe for greater things in the lives of those around you. Faith is not just for you, it is for others as well. Believe big for your family, friends, co-workers, hey…enemies! The greatest ways we can grow our faith is to give it away by standing in faith with others. What you give away God tends to give you more of. What you don’t give away and hold onto is what God tends to not give you more of. When you are faithful to give your faith away to others, God will begin to give you more! I have found that what you do for others, God tends to do for you. Be a blessing and God blesses you, be a faith-giver to others and God tends to give you more faith!
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