You will never fulfill your mission if you do not believe you can. Many things will try to stop you and keep you from accomplishing your mission, with the biggest obstacle being your own belief in yourself. No matter what obstacles you face, know that your mission is fueled by the faith to believe in it. Radio personality Paul Harvey said, “You can always tell when you are on the road to success, as it is uphill all the way.”
You have to fight the good fight and finish the race, as the Apostle Paul said. Do not let setbacks and failures keep you from being determined. Difficulties do not exist to make life harder; they exist to make us stronger. You will face opposition but stay the course. Do not let your self-limiting beliefs keep you from moving forward. Filmmaker George Lucas said, “You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles, and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don’t have that kind of feeling for what it is you’re doing, you’ll stop at the first giant hurdle.”
Do not let your lack of faith keep you from your dream. Break through the limiting factors. People may not believe in your mission, but you have to believe in your mission if you are going to go after it. You will never fully step out unless you truly believe in what you do. Overcome the excuses and believe God can use you in powerful ways. Always make your WHY bigger than your WHY NOT. WHY you should do something has to be bigger than your excuses for WHY NOT to do it.
Here is what happens when your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT…
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, nothing will knock you off course.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, you know your mission every day.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, others are inspired by your example.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, you create the discipline to follow through.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, courage follows.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, you are willing to endure hardships.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, you produce results.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, there is power to change things.
- When your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT, you take responsibility for the outcome.
Do not be plagued by the law of Diminishing Intent, which says, “The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds are you will never actually do it.” What you put off today only makes you farther behind tomorrow.
Fan the flame of purpose in your life and find your WHY.
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