How do we worship? Jesus said,
John 14:15 (NIV)
If you love me, you will keep my commands.
We worship God through the act of being obedient to Him. When we keep His commands we are becoming who He created us to be. It is only when we step out from underneath His commands that life begins to get messy. His promises and commands are the umbrella that we are called to live under. When we are under the umbrella of His authority we are under His protection. Just like a physical umbrella keeps us protected from the rain, staying under God’s authority is like being protected by a spiritual umbrella. But if we step out from underneath the spiritual umbrella, we are putting ourselves in a position to become subjected to the storms of life. It is not that the storms disappear when we are under the spiritual umbrella, but we are protected in the midst of the storms. So how do we worship? By being aligned through obedience with God’s commands.
When we are obedient to the calling that God has on us to keep His commands, we worship. After all, when we are judged by God He will not ask us, “Why were you not more like your father?” or “Why were you not more like Billy Graham?” or “Why were you not more like your pastor?” No, God will judge you based on who you were called to be. Were you obedient to the commands that God called you to live out? Were you obedient to be who you were created to be?
That is how we worship God, by becoming who we were destined to be.
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