Here are some thoughts about how to invest your time with your family, especially if you have kids still at home…
Make your T.I.M.E.…
T = Thematic. Plan special family days with a theme. If you are going to a movie with your family, do something that goes along with the movie. If the movie takes place in France, have French cuisine for dinner. Spend some time talking about the culture and people. Talk about the missionaries to that area and the amazing things God is doing through them. If you are going to a baseball game, spend time before or after the game playing catch with your children. Speak of the importance of teamwork to help build Godly character. These are fun little things you can do to make the most of family time.
I = Intentional. Life is not automatic. You have to be intentional about the things you want to do. If left on autopilot forever, things will always crash. So spend your time strategically. Plan out the time you spend, so that you get the most out of it. Think through the details. Don’t wait for family time to happen, make it happen. You have to take time to make time. Go through your schedule for the week and carve out time with your family and protect it just the way you would a business meeting.
M = Memorable. Do things together that will build long-lasting memories with your family. Take your spouse out on dates that you will cherish together. Do things with your kids that will make an impact. Memories are seeds of potential that God uses to teach us. As you make memories it will bind you together more and more. One of the biggest reasons for divorce is the feeling that the spouses’ lives are going in separate directions. Talk about your memories together, it reminds us of how much we enjoy being together. My wife and I watch videos and look at pictures of vacations and special events with our children to spark a conversation of great memories. They will never forget those special times together because we keep them fresh in their minds.
E = Encouraging. Fan the flames of your family’s dreams and gifts. Don’t be a dream killer, be a dream giver. There is nothing worse than someone, who in the name of reality, always tells you how it “can’t be done.” Spend time encouraging one another’s dreams, no matter how big or small. Shine light into your family, not darkness. Parents can destroy their child’s aspirations by being sarcastic. Sarcasm comes from the Greek word Sarkasmos meaning, to tear flesh, gnash the teeth, speak bitterly. Why in the world would we want to tear our children apart? Build your family up and speak life over them.
I hope you get some ideas of how to invest your time this new year with your family and make it special!
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