Why would someone believe God is going to bless them when they are complaining about the blessings they have already received?
I once knew a guy who always complained about how little money he made at his job and about how little opportunity there was for him to make any more. Yet when his employer provided extra ways for him to earn income, he complained about how busy he was instead of being thankful for God’s provision. God provided him with his heart’s desire, to make more money and get more opportunities, but he never saw the blessing. He turned God’s blessings into complaints and frustrations.
God does not respond to frustration—He responds to faith. My two children get more from me when they are grateful for what they have as opposed to when they are complaining about what they do not have. When they are thankful for what they have, it propels me to bless them even more. But when they complain about what they do not have, it causes me to hold back in order to keep them from becoming greedy.
God is our Father. He desires to bless us, but not when we are constantly grumbling. Look at the children of Israel in the Bible. They complained and complained, and it caused them to delay their journey to the Promised Land. The first generation never made it into the land because of their grumblings. They actually wanted to return to Egypt and live as slaves rather than pressing on as pioneers. They were consumed with what Egypt had rather than being focused on what God had. There is an old proverb that says, “I had no shoes and complained until I met a man who had no feet.”
There is no excuse for complaining when it comes to following Christ. Difficulties are inevitable, but complaining is optional. Covetousness delays God’s promises for our lives. If we cannot handle what He has given us, how can we expect Him to give us more? God has all the provision you need for your life. Do not delay His blessings by having an ungrateful heart.
* Taken from my book FAITHOLOGY: 12 Ideas To Rock Your Faith…available here
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