In order to concentrate, the human brain is wired to focus on only what it absolutely needs to focus on. This is called your RAS (Reticular Activation System). The RAS is located at the base of the brain and acts as a filter against unnecessary data. We are receiving million of data signals all throughout the day, so this keeps us from consciously having to compute it all. Your RAS only allows what you cognitively label as “important” in your life, weeding out all the rest. What you consciously focus on is what you find more data about. For example: When I was in high-school, I saved up my money and bought a red Jeep Wrangler. Previously I had owned a Blue Ford Escort and was super excited about the fresh upgrade. I knew no one who had a Jeep Wrangler, and definitely not a red one at that. I figured I would be the only one on the open road cruising in style. However, to my surprise, when I bought the red Jeep, I suddenly realized everyone else got one on the same day. I couldn’t believe how I started such a new trend. Everywhere I looked I saw Jeeps, even red Jeeps just like mine. Did everyone buy a Jeep on the same day I did? No, what happened was my RAS kicked in and started to recognize Jeeps because my brain was hyper-focused on them. They had always been there, but I didn’t recognize them because I wasn’t thinking about Jeeps. I’m sure you have experienced these phenomena too someway.
Your RAS will seek out information that validates what you subconsciously tell it to. The more your mind dwells on a thing, the more you will see everything about that thing. This can work with anything; positively or negatively. When one believes something is possible, the mind goes to work figuring out every way to make it happen; but if one believes something is impossible, their mind immediately goes to work calculating the many reasons it cannot and will not happen.
How do you use your RAS to your advantage?
1) Get Objective
You cannot get ideas through your RAS unless you get objective with it––meaning get intentional. You must consume your mind with the things you want more of. For example: when I was writing my book FAITHOLOGY: 12 ideas to rock your faith I kept the book cover, images, and chapter titles fresh in my mind all throughout the process. I would daily look at the subheadings in the book so I could file away ideas, stories, quotes, and thoughts related to the content. It was amazing to see how many ideas I came across that were able to fit into the book. Because of this commitment to keep my RAS active, it enabled me to create a great book that has helped many people on their faith journey. Get objective by getting around opportunities that will keep you focused on what matters. The more you can intentionally surround yourself with the right thoughts, the better you’ll become.
Psalm 77:11-12 (NLV)
11 I will remember the things the Lord has done. Yes, I will remember the powerful works of long ago. 12 I will think of all Your work, and keep in mind all the great things You have done.
2) Get Selective
What you continually focus will appear everywhere. This is why you must be meticulously selective about what you focus on. If you have a low self-esteem, you will see everyone’s actions as a confirmation of that belief. If you think you are unlikeable, then you will see everyone’s response to you as hostile and frustrated. You must understand that you will see the world not as it is, but as you are. You have to learn the art of filtering your thoughts. If you can filter out the unwanted and destructive thoughts, you will only keep what is good and constructive to your potential. Don’t allow toxic thoughts and beliefs to mess up your future.
Philippians 4:8 (NIV)
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
3) Get Reflective
We need to always take time to reflect and examine our heart. Reflective thinking gives us insight from the past that we can take into the future. If you don’t take time to work on yourself you’ll never learn how to get better. It’s through the hard process of self-reflection that we truly see who we are and how we’re doing. Make sure you are utilizing your RAS the way God intended. Keep yourself in check at all times. I have a good friend, Jarred Hamilton, who is a personal trainer, podcaster, and founder of Hamilton Trained, that was recently telling me how he recognized the importance of keeping himself in a positive state of mind at all times. He actually started to set an alarm on his phone every hour to help remind him to check his mental state. When the alarm goes off, he reminds himself to reset his thoughts in the right way. Whatever you do have a system to reflect and keep your RAS operating in a positive way. King David had a system as well…check out what he said to the Lord…
Psalm 139:23-25 (NIV)
23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Remember: Be Objective–– Be Selective––Be Reflective, and you will begin to experience greater things in your life!
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