The dictionary defines innovation as, a new idea, method, or device. By definition alone, we should all seek to be innovators. An innovator is someone who comes up with new ideas, methods, or devices. In order to be successful in life we must seek innovation. The good news is that anyone who pursues personal growth will be an innovator. You cannot be growing and not innovating. Innovating is about growing, and growing is about innovating.
Innovation is one of the most important skills a person can possess. Without innovation you become stagnant and stale. Innovators are the ones who will rise to the top in every area of life. American writer Alvin Toffler said,
“The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.”
All great innovators are learners. Think about Socrates, DaVinci, Einstein, Edison, Jobs, they were all ferocious learners. They had an insatiable desire to learn and as a result became some of the greatest innovators throughout history. They also were thinkers. They didn’t just learn, they spent time thinking about what they learned.
So here is my innovative formula…
Learning + Thinking = Innovating
You will never output more than you have input. So goes your input so goes your output. This is why burnout occurs when we are expected to output but have not spent time on the input. You cannot give what you do not have. You cannot export what you have not imported in your life. Creativity flows from inputting great ideas. This is why you will never see a great innovator that is not a reader. All great innovators are avid readers. They input so they can output. If you want to be a great innovator then spend time inputting specific resources in the area you want to be creative in.
As you input you will begin to have creative thoughts in the areas you are learning. But learning alone won’t get you there, you must spend time thinking about what you have learned. Experience is not the best teacher, educated experience is. Meaning you have learned something from your experiences. And you cannot learn from your experiences until you reflect and think about the lessons you have learned. Every great innovator spent time thinking…and lots of it. In fact, some studies suggest that great innovators spend at least a few hours a day JUST thinking. When you think you unlock possibilities. So get a plan to think everyday.
One of my most passionate subjects to teach on, coach on, and collaborate on is innovation. The more innovative you are, the more productive and successful you will become. This formula is the foundation of innovation. If you are interested in creating a more innovative life, or an innovative team in your organization let’s innovate together and create a successful future. Contact me @ john@johnbarrettcompany.com
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