This is the second part of the leadership lessons from Santa…check out part 1 here that has the first 3 lessons…
So let’s dive into some more lessons about what makes Santa such a great leader…
4. Get The Right Reindeer
Santa is able to fly his sleigh only because of the amazing reindeer team he has assembled. Every great leader needs some reindeer to accomplish the mission. Santa can’t do it all alone and neither can we. One of the first acts of a leader is to build a great team around him/her. Think about Jesus the greatest leader we have known. He changed the entire world and continues to change it 2,000 years later. Notice the very first thing that Jesus did when He started His public ministry/leadership position…He assembled His disciples/team. Before He did any miracles or started His operations…He got His reindeer together. Your reindeer are your inner-circle of people that you need to spend the most time with. They are the ones who will take you to a higher level. Check out this video about building your INNER-CIRCLE.
5. Have A Great Workshop
Santa and the elves are able to accomplish their mission because they have a great workshop to produce the toys. In the same way you must have a great workshop to produce. Your environment, office, workspace, etc… should be conducive to getting work done in a fun/creative/productive way. Everyone needs a creative space to work out of in order to make greatness. Never underestimate the power of environment. Just like a plant needs a proper greenhouse to grow, so we need a proper greenhouse for our thoughts, ideas, and creativity to flourish. Make your organization a fun/productive place to work by making sure it is a creative space…check out this posts about setting up your creative space.
6. Make A List And Check It Twice
Great leaders prioritize what needs to be done and they double check that list to make sure they get it done. Within every organization there are endless tasks, projects, and stuff that needs to be done. Great leaders are able to sift through the minutia and make the complex simple. Santa knows exactly what boys and girls are eligible to receive gifts. In the same way we need to make sure we know exactly what the mission and prioritize are so we don’t get lost among the vast sea of busyness. Being busy does not equate to being productive and a smart leader knows the difference. Make a list of the top things that need to be done and hack away until it gets finished. Always reevaluate your progress so you know exactly where you stand in the moment so you can plan for the future.
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