The people you hang around is who you will become like. The old line, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” has much truth in it. You will only become as passionate as the people you hang out with. If you surround yourself with stone cold people you will become stone cold over time. If you surround yourselves with fired up people then you will become fired up as well. There are three kinds of people in life: Lifters, Sifters, and Drifters.
Lifters are the ones who lift us up and challenge us to become better. They are the ones who are looking out for us and encourage us. The famous evangelist John Wesley was once asked how he got so many people to come watch him preach at his revivals. He said, “I light myself on fire and people come watch me burn.” There is a man who was a lifter. Many consider John Wesley to be one of the greatest evangelists in history. Why? Because he challenged others through his passion. I remember as I was growing up playing sports and the famous line was, “If you want to be the best then you have to be around the best”. I believe the same is true in our lives if we want to become the best then we have to get around people that will challenge us to become the best. Who are your Lifters? Write down a few names of those you consider your litters. Now make it a point to learn from them and let them challenge you. If you do not have any litters in your life begin to pray for God to send you some. Then seek out those who God sends your way.
Sifters are the ones that just let us fall through the cracks and sift us out to the bottom. They don’t care what we do as long as it doesn’t interfere with their plans. They are the ones that don’t challenge us to do anything, they don’t really care what happens. They are usually negative about most things and there is really nothing good that comes from being around them. They are a negative influence trying to pull us down. Nothing will put out your fire faster than sifters. They don’t like fires it’s too intense for them. They will tell you that you are too serious, too picky, and try to get you back to their reality of average. Sifters shrink from challenges and make things smaller than they are. They try to get by with as little work as possible and say things like, “It’s not that big of a deal.”, “It’s not worth it.”, “No one really cares that much.”, “It’s a waste of time.” Be careful of Sifters they can really confuse you. We are not called to isolate ourselves from Sifters, remember Jesus hung out with the Sifters. But make sure that you are inspiring them, not integrating with them.
Drifters aren’t going anywhere. They have given up on their dreams, hopes, and ambitions. They are the ones content to never change. With a dark cloud over them, they just want to stay alive and make it through another day. Drifters won’t sift you but they sure won’t lift you. You usually walk away from Drifters with a tired and apathetic outlook. Drifters can have good a good heart and do not mean any harm, but they will not be able to help light the fire within you. God has a special place in His heart for Drifters. They just need someone to reach out and be a lifter to them. Again make sure that you are reaching out to Drifters but don’t get caught in their dark clouds. Bring an umbrella and rain coat for them, but don’t allow them to steal your joy and passion. Drifters can be like the sirens in the Odyssey, lulling us to waste time and watch our fire burn out while other “things” occupy us.
Awesome post John! Challenging and Helpful! What are some tips for changing from a sifter/drifter to a lifter?
Hey Justin, so good to hear from you!!! I think to move from being a drifter or sifter is to get around lifters. You will become like who you hang with. Lifters will help pull you up from being a sifter or drifter. Another tip is to make sure you are doing things to add fuel to your life. Read great books that challenge you, listen to communicators that inspire you, surround yourself with resources and opportunities that will grow you into who you want to become. We are only as good as the “stuff” we put in us. So put the right things into your life that will make a difference.