We learn and grow by asking questions. One skill everyone needs to learn is how to ask questions and listen to other’s wisdom. Socrates taught that the quality of the questions we ask will determine the quality of the life we live. When we seek to understand, we will be understood. I am amazed at the lack of questions people ask. I can’t imagine sitting down with others and not asking questions about their life. Everyone has something to teach us. Author and Civil Rights Activist Lillian Smith said,
“When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and asking questions, always new questions, then it is time to die.”
One of the greatest ways we can honor others and benefit from them is to value their opinion. Asking questions gives other people a voice. When others feel they have a voice it gives them worth. Asking questions not only rewards us but it makes others feel special.
Here are three things to think about when asking questions and listening…Ask the right people, the right questions, at the right time.
a) Ask The Right People
There are those around us that have the wisdom we need. They are a well of knowledge waiting for us to drink from, all we have to do is ask them questions. It is very important to direct our questions to the right people. If you ask the wrong person you might get the wrong answer. Identifying specific people for specific questions is the sure way to learn. For every person you know there is a different question you should ask them in order to gain knowledge. Don’t ask the wrong person the right question, for they probably will not have the answer you need. Seek out people that are further along and more knowledgeable in the areas that you have questions in.
b) The Right Questions
Once you identify the right people, be strategic about the questions you ask. Don’t ask questions that serve no purpose. Ask questions that will connect you to them. Small talk, gets small results. Great questions get a great response. Add value to others by asking them questions they are passionate about. You will find a world of possibilities within those questions.
c) At The Right Time
To ask great questions you need to have good timing. The right question at the wrong time will get no results. Ease into questions and be mindful of the timing you have with people. Sometimes the questions we have are better served at a later date.
Sometimes the questions we have need to be asked now! Don’t wait, but don’t push, understand the law of timing. The more you ask questions the better you will get at pinpointing the right timing.
Asking the right people, the right questions, at the right time gives you the right answers you need. Be sensitive yet inquisitive with the questions you ask others. Always have a genuine interest in others response.
Always remember God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason…to listen twice as much as we talk.
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