Murphy’s Law states: Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong.
Though historians are not sure who coined this phrase, we all intuitively know this to be a truth in our life. In fact, I ascribe the law as a variation of Jesus’ advice when He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33b NIV)
Life happens. Things go wrong. Our plans become frustrated by unforeseen challenges, circumstances, and people. The question is not, “Will bad things happen?” The real question is, “How will you handle yourself when bad things happen?” You can rest assured that in this world we will have troubles. No one is immune from challenges in life. Never think that because you are following the right path Murphy will not be there. Murphy always shows up, even on the most blessed path he will rear his ugly head. When he shows up, and I might add at the most unappreciated time, there are 3 things you need to do…
1) Keep Your Cool
The worst thing you can do when Murphy shows up is freak out. Showing your panic, anger, frustration, fear, worry, etc… only allows Murphy to get stronger. He is like the blob, the more you play his game, the bigger he gets. The Bible warns us of how Murphy becomes a foothold for the enemy to mess with us…
Ephesians 4:27 (NIV)
Do not give the devil a foothold
When we freak out about our circumstances it gives the enemy a foothold to exploit our worst thoughts and fears. We have to combat Murphy with a “keep cool attitude.” Or as Jesus said, “Take heart.” Take heart means to get a hold of yourself and keep your innermost being at ease. We can only do this when our faith is in something bigger than ourselves…Jesus Christ! We take heart, not because of our strength, but because God has us in the palm of His hands and He is in control…not Murphy! Stop freaking out and start faithing out. Replace freak with faith.
2) Kick Murphy Out
Don’t sit around and let Murphy whisper negativity and defeat into your ears. You need to get off the defensive and get on the offensive. Speak to Murphy and let him know that all things work for the good according to Christ Jesus (Romans 8:28). The best thing you can do when Murphy shows up is to start declaring scriptures…OUT LOUD! This is why it is vital that you are into the Word of God. Because when the Word of God is in you it will start to come out of you. Stand on the promises and truth of God’s Word rather than standing on your own merit. Tell Murphy he is not welcome and that God has got this. If you don’t know what the Word of God says about you and the truth of God it can become difficult to know what to do in challenging times. But when you allow the Word of God to speak it will become your defense and weapon of mass destruction against the enemy.
3) Prepare For Murphy’s Arrival
As I stated earlier, Murphy will always show up, again and again. Even when you kick him out, he will come back another day while we are on this earth. The best thing you can do is to prepare for his arrival by keeping yourself spiritually equipped. Know that tough and rough things are going to come your way in life, but take heart and know that Jesus has overcome the world. He is for you.
Psalm 46:1 (NIV)
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Preparing on the front-end helps you be victorious on the back-end. Preparing means to have a game plan for when Murphy shows up…refer back to steps 1 & 2. Remember, the enemy only comes after those who are moving forward. If you don’t have some troubles in life, you probably aren’t stepping out far enough. It’s ok to have trouble, don’t view it as a bad thing, view it as an opportunity for God to show Himself strong in and through you. Know that at the end of the day it is God’s purposes and provision that will prevail. He will lead and guide you if you keep Him at the forefront of all things in your life. And you can ALWAYS trust that His way is the best way, even when Murphy shows up.
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