I am super excited to announce my new book, Keep Moving Forward: Master the Art of Perseverance, is available NOW on Amazon! This book was birthed from a series we did at my local church a few months ago, where I shared a handful of messages. I believe this book will help you overcome any challenges that are holding you back from reaching your full potential.
Here is what you’ll get out of this book:
- Feel empowered to take control of your life and pursue your dreams.
- Experience the joy and purpose that comes with living an abundant life.
- Break free from spiritual paralysis and take action towards a better future.
I would love for you to get a copy for your spiritual growth or maybe gift one to someone you know who needs some encouragement to keep going. My prayer is that this book pushes people on in their journey toward becoming all God created them to be!
Here is an excerpt from the intro:
Two-thirds of God’s name is “GO.” Let that sink in for a moment. It’s a powerful reminder that we are meant to be in constant motion, moving forward towards our goals and purpose in life.
Take a moment to reflect: are you spiritually immobile? Are there areas in your life where you feel stuck, or unsure of how to progress? We all have those areas, where we’re rocking and rolling in some aspects but struggling in others.
It’s time to break free from spiritual paralysis. Whether it’s finances, relationships, or personal struggles, you have the power to move forward. Embrace the green light within you, the signal to “Go” towards a more fulfilling life.
Don’t wait for a sign from above – it’s already within you. Take control, take action, and experience the breakthrough you’ve been yearning for. Step out for God, step out for yourself, and journey towards a life of abundance and purpose.
Get ready to run your race and unleash your potential!
Get your copy today HERE on Amazon

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