We were created for community. Certainly, we are always better together. There is strength in numbers, and there is safety in groups. Jesus taught this concept without question.
Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
When you’re separated from the pack is when the enemy will attack. Think about all the National Geographic documentaries we have all seen. When the Gazelle is distant from the herd what happens? The Lion, the predator, attacks at just the moment the Gazelle is alone. Our life is no different. When we are alone, we are most vulnerable.
Jesus knew this concept first hand. Remember, Satan tempted Jesus the most when he was alone in the desert. It was in the wilderness that Jesus experienced the enemy’s greatest onslaught. You see, the enemy knows that loneliness produces weakness. In fact, it’s one of the number one causes of all problems. Loneliness is so desperate for community that it will cause us to do things we never would do without it. Cheating on a spouse is not a result of lust, it’s a result of loneliness. Addictions aren’t a result of enjoyment, they’re a result of emptiness from loneliness. A lonely heart will produce desperate actions.
We fight against loneliness through community. We stay in a pack and keep encircled with the right people. Those who are for us not against us. Those who lift us up and not sift us out. Who you surround yourself with is who you’ll become like. Years ago, I came across this great wisdom from Solomon…check it out…
“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” ~ Proverbs 12:26 (NIV)
My challenge to you is 3 things.
1) Find Friends Who Will Support You
Make sure you develop strong relationships with people that will be there for you. Remember, Jesus’ first act in his public ministry was to surround himself with a team…the disciples. Go and find at least 2-3 mentors who can coach you, challenge you, and be an example for you.
2) Make Time To Spend With Them
Don’t just have friends…spend time with them. Make it a point to schedule a get together so you can spend one-on-one time with them. You should systematically have a recurring time that you get with your mentors.
3) Prepare For The Time Spent With Them
Don’t just show up without questions, comments, ideas, and thoughts for them to help you with. Prepare for your time so you maximize it and value their willingness to be with you. Seek out their wisdom for areas of your life that you want help with and LISTEN to their perspective.
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