John Bunyan said, “You have not lived today successfully unless you’ve done something for someone who can never repay you.”
Did you live successfully yesterday? What about today? Will you live successfully tomorrow? According to Bunyan we cannot experience success until we have helped those around us without expecting anything in return. I agree with this assessment of success. Many times we can get so caught up with ourselves that we forget about others. We get consumed with our own “stuff” that we overlook the needs of those around us. But the truth is the more we lift others, the more we are lifted up as well. The more we encourage others, the more we will live encouraged! What you make happen for others, God tends to make happen for you.
Arthur Ashe said, “True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic, not the urge to surpass all others at whatever the cost but the urge to serve others whatever the cost.” Serving others is the mark of a great person. Greatness is achieved by becoming a servant to those around you. Serving others opens the door to live a life worth living.
So here is the one thing you should do everyday…S.E.R.V.E…how do you SERVE? You make it…
S = Simple
Don’t make it hard to serve others. Don’t try to do everything before you do something. Just start with what you can. It is not always the big things that make the biggest difference. Sometimes it is the small things that have the greater impact. I have heard that termites do more physical damage than all natural disasters combined. Small acts of kindness and service go a long way.
E = Exciting
Don’t serve with a frown on your face and a bad attitude. Nothing is worse than someone who is helping but doesn’t really want to. If you are going to serve others be excited about the opportunity to lift them up. Don’t walk around complaining. Find the purpose it what you are doing and keep your eyes on the bigger picture.
R = Random
Just step out when you see a need. Random means there is no organized process, it’s just spontaneous. Serve others when they are least expecting it and when you are least expecting it. I am sure it means a lot to you when someone drops what they are doing to randomly help you, so return the favor. If you see a need, fill it.
V = Voluntary
Be the one to step up and take the initiative to serve. Do it without expecting anything in return. Volunteer yourself. The word volunteer is defined as…a person who does some act or enters into a transaction without being under any legal obligation todo so and without being promised any remuneration for his services. Volunteers serve from their heart.
E = Enduring
Don’t stop serving. I have met many people have that felt they have “paid their dues” and no longer needed to serve. They think they have somehow grown out of this position. But you never move beyond serving others, it is not something done for a season and then moved on from. Serving is a life-long endeavor. It is about living a life-style of meeting the needs of others. Don’t grow weary when you serve. Serving is a lot of work and will require blood, sweat, and tears at times. Don’t stop because of the work. The payoff from serving far outweighs the process of surrendering. It takes work to surrender your selfishness and energy. No doubt we need to pace ourselves and be careful of those that “use” us, but I would rather lean on the side of serving than the side of selfishness.
Make it a point to serve someone everyday and see what happens…I DARE YOU!
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