Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible concerning our ability in Christ…let’s break it down…
A) I Can Do
Notice Paul said, “I CAN.” What he didn’t say was…
“I might be able to do…”
“I hope to do…”
“I’ll try to do…”
He used positive, concrete, absolute language when he said, “I CAN do…” Paul didn’t doubt what he was able to do. He didn’t allow fear to keep him from believing anything was possible. You see the only limit you and I have is the belief that we are limited. God does not limit us, only we limit ourselves through the belief that we CAN’T do something. The first lesson to learn here is that, we CAN DO! We are limitless. Henry Ford was speaking biblical truth when he said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” NEVER make an agreement with your fear or your belief that you have limitations. Believe you CAN!
B) ALL Things
Paul didn’t say, “Some things.” He said, “All things.” We have been given the ability to do ALL things that God has called us to. There is nothing that we can’t do that God has destined for us to do. We need not to worry about the extent of what we can do…it never runs out. We never reach a destination where we can’t do more! God is limitless, therefore we are always able to do MORE! Never believe that you have arrived or that you are capped out. There is no LID to our potential because there is no lid to God’s destiny for us. ALL things is about the belief that we never stop growing and never stop going to greater places and greater impact. You are never done, you don’t get to retire and sit on a beach doing nothing for the remainder of your life in the Kingdom of God.
C) Through Christ Who Strengthens Me
Without Christ non of this is possible. Nothing is possible without Christ and nothing is impossible with Him! The only way that we are able to live a limitless life is because of the power of God that is at work within us. By ourselves we do not have much, but because of the Holy Spirit that empowers us we can do all things! The important lesson here is to always keep God in front and alway give Him the honor for everything and anything you do in life! It is only because of His grace and His power that we can live a life of significance. He strengthens us and gives us everything we need to accomplish all He has called us to. He will never call us to something that He won’t empower us for. Where God guides, He always provides.
Absolutely love this, thank you!
Thank you!
That is an amazing breakdown of this verse, its been so helpful with me to understand God! Do you have any more breakdowns?