Two brothers were terrible trouble makers. They were always breaking things, stealing items, lying, and raising havoc. The parents tried everything to get the boys to change, to no avail. Finally, out of options, they asked their pastor if he could help. He said he would talk to the boys, but only one at a time. The parents dropped off the youngest and went home, promising to return to get him soon. The boy sat in a chair across from the pastor’s desk and they just looked at each other for what seemed like forever.
Finally, the Pastor said, “Where is God?”
The boy just sat there and didn’t answer.
The pastor began to look stern and loudly said, “Where is God?”
The little boy shifted in his seat, but still didn’t answer.
The pastor started to get angry at the boy’s refusal to converse and shouted “Where is God?”
To the pastor’s surprise, the little boy jumped up out of his chair and ran out of the office.
The boy left the church and ran all the way home, up the stairs and into his brother’s room. He then shut the door and yelled, “We’re in BIG TROUBLE. God’s missing and they think we did it!”
Have you ever had a time in your life where it seemed that God was missing? A time when you weren’t getting any direction or an answers on a specific issue? I know there have been plenty of times in my life when it seemed as if the heaven’s were brass. It is in these times that we are challenged to either stay the course or give up. Though we need to make sure we aren’t interfering with the signal there are times when God chooses to remain silent for a purpose. Every now and then God’s frequency goes on radio silence and there is no signal being broadcasted.
Let me share with you 2 things to do when it seems God is on radio silence…
1. Be Obedient To The Last Thing God Said To Do
God is not going to share more with us if we were not faithful to what He has already told us to do. We cannot expect to get more from God if we are not doing what He has already commanded us to be doing. It would be like a child asking for more food from his parents even though he hasn’t eaten what is on his plate. God tends to give us more only when we have used what He has already given us.
Luke 16:10 (NLT)
10 If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.
If it seems as if God is silent go back to the last thing He has told you to do and make sure you have and are being obedient to that thing. Ask God to show you any areas in your life that you have been unfaithful to do. God is not being silent to be mean, He may be silent because He is waiting for you to do what He has already said to do.
2. Be Patient With Your Faith
Everything awaits a certain time when it comes to God’s plans. Though we may be praying for things to take place on our time table, God knows the BEST timing always. We cannot give up when we are not getting the answers we need. There is always a reason that God is being silent. Faith is about being patient.
James 1:2-4 (NIV)
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Don’t give up now, you may only be moments away from a major breakthrough in life. In late fall of 1777, General George Washington and his rag tag army of militiamen suffered 2 defeats at the hands of the British at Brandywine and Germantown. He and his 11,000 men retreated to Valley Forge, PA to establish winter headquarters. It was a dark time for the revolution. Many died of starvation or cold, never more than half of the force was in any shape to battle at one time. Many deserted the cause, because the stress and suffering was too great. But thousand others remained faithful. They stayed in there, despite frozen bodies, starvation, sickness and bone-biting coldness, because they had a goal and a purpose for being there – that was more important to them than personal comfort or even safety. In February they began a regrouping that prepared them for pursuing the British all the way across New Jersey in June of 1778. Hang in there even when things are getting tough because you never know when your answer is coming. There is a reason that God is waiting to give you an answer…be patient for that reason.
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