Life is a series of resetting yourself so you can restart your future. The successful person is willing to reinvent themselves every so often to stay fresh and fully useful.
We are getting ready to start a brand new year and new decade here in 2020. I love fresh starts. I love new beginnings. In fact, I am one of those that look forward to Monday mornings because it’s a marker to me. This could be the year that your life changes. The year that you fulfill something incredible in your life. Don’t underestimate fresh starts. It’s a chance to reset your life and kick start your purpose.
If you’re going to reset to restart this new year, here are some things to think about:
1) Everyone Needs A Reset
It doesn’t matter who you are, you need to reset yourself every few years. We are creatures of habit and these habits can sometimes keep us stuck in old ways. Things change and you need to change as well. My pastor and good friend Chris Page says, “If you don’t update, you’ll
“If you don’t update, you’ll outdate.”
Chris Page
2) Everyone’s Needs A Challenge
When we stop challenging ourselves to move forward we will start moving backward. No one stays the same, we either move forward into progress or fall back into paralysis. We are either getting better or getting worse. We know this to be true by just observing our mental health. Research has shown that when we’re not working our brainpower it actually starts getting worse. Anything left unattended starts to breakdown over time. We need new challenges and goals to keep us on the path to our destiny. It’s important to reset new goals every so often to keep us fresh.
Anything left unattended starts to breakdown over time.
3) Everyone Needs A Plan
It’s through the process of planning for the future that we discover
We need to develop a road map for where we want our life to end up.
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