Rule #3 To Live By…

I have been blogging about rules to live by over the last two days.  Here are the rules we have talked about so far…

Rule #1 Always make your FUTURE bigger than your PAST

Rule #2 Always make your CONTRIBUTION bigger than your CONSUMPTION

The third rule to live by…

Always make your PURPOSE greater than your STATUS

God has given us a mission on the earth.  We ALL have purpose regardless of any excuses we can make.  Some have found their purpose while others are searching for it.  We ALL have talents, gifts, and abilities that are entrusted to us alone.  We are unique.  We are wired a certain way for the certain strengths that we have.  When our purpose is greater than our status we can become unstoppable in what we do.  Fear and doubt do not control us when our purpose is greater than our status.

Status is about what we “have”.  It is about material possessions and our perceived image.  When status becomes greater than our purpose we are more concerned about what others think about us than what is right.  We are consumers instead of contributors.  If we allow status to control us then we will be at the mercy of others and what we own.  The bigger house, more money, our appearance, more power, our reputation, etc… become the most important elements in life.  But purpose is about making a difference.  It is about using our gifts and talents for the greater good.  Purpose is not about having more it is about giving more.

When you know your purpose, or as I like to call it your “WHY”, you are the richest person in the world.  Money can’t buy purpose, it can only be found within yourself.  Find your purpose and live it out daily.  Make your purpose greater than anything you do.  Weave your purpose into every action and job you are involved in.  When you make your purpose greater than your status you will always live a fulfilled life.

I am a Speaker, Writer, Certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team, Musician, Artist, and most importantly Husband & Father! I would be honored to add value to you and help inspire you to be all that God created you to be!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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