Names have a lot to say about someone’s identity. Think about it…when you hear someone’s name you immediately think about who they are, their characteristics, and their traits. Names describe something to us. Names are powerful.
Many people, in certain social environments, love to name drop. They love to tell of all the famous people they know or have met. I have not met a lot of famous people but here are a few name droppings…
As a boy, I had the opportunity to meet Johnny Cash. My grandpa took me to see him at The Little Nashville Opry. I didn’t even know who he was but everyone around me seemed very excited to meet him, so I was too! Later in life I was able to have dinner with Chris Tomlin (this was before he became famous in the Christian Music Industry). Another time, while walking by an ally in downtown Hollywood, I saw Peter Brady from the Brady Bunch! I have met some other people who are considered famous in certain circles, but none of which most people would consider a celebrity.
Names carry authority and power. By just knowing someone and using their name you can open up doors that otherwise would have never been opened. Names are a HUGE deal to God. As a matter of fact He changed many people’s names in the Bible throughout history. Think of Abram who had his name changed to Abraham, meaning “father of many.” Then there was Jacob, who after an encounter with God had his named changed to Israel, meaning “may God prevail.” What about Saul who’s name was changed to Paul, meaning “humble.” Of course there was the disciple Simon who’s name God changed to Peter, meaning “stone.” Names are such a big deal to God that He altered people’s names throughout history in order to display something spiritual about them.
Did you know that God has a secret name for you? He has a special name that He calls you by. Check this verse out…
Revelation 2:18 (NIV)
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.
Now read this same verse but from The Message version of the Bible…
“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches. I’ll give the sacred manna to every conqueror; I’ll also give a clear, smooth stone inscribed with your new name, your secret new name.”
You may have the birth name that your parents gave you, but God has a special secret name just for you that He calls you by. It is the name that He characterizes you with. Your true identity is not your legal name, it is your spiritual name. This name encompasses who you were created to be; your potential and destiny as a child of God. This name is the name that God has chosen for you since the beginning of time. What do you think your secret name is? What does God call you?
My friend Kary Oberbrunner on The John Maxwell Team has written a great book called, “Your Secret Name.” I suggest you get a copy.
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