Stress is on the rise. People are getting more and more busy and yet wonder why they are always stressed about life. Everyone seems to be in survival mode. This happens to all of us. Too many people have an over-stocked schedule with an under-satisfied life. But this isn’t the life we were meant to live. This isn’t the way we were created to function. In fact, we are getting further away from how we were designed to thrive.
Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Yet we are living with a hard yoke and a heavy burden. We are living in a time when physical health problems are on a rise and the root cause is stress. We were created as human beings not human doings. But we have forgotten about the being because we are so busy trying to be doings. We are living a lifestyle we were never meant to live. People used to worry occasionally, now they are starting to worry recreationally. It’s out of control.
I want to challenge you all to take a chill pill and get back to what really matters. Why does it take a funeral to ground us back to reality? Why do we have a different view on life after attending a memorial service for a lost loved one? It’s because we get shocked back into what matters most. The problem is it wears off over time and we get right back into the same rat race of stress as before. Don’t wait for a funeral or tragedy to remind you that life is precious and our time is limited. Choose to live a lifestyle today that gets back to what really matters most. You have to ask yourself is my lifestyle reflecting what matters most to me? In the end what will you have wished you had done more of?
My call is simple this week…stop living a stressed life and start living the blessed life. You know the word S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D is just D-E-S-S-E-R-T-S spelled backwards? It’s all a matter of perspective. Choose to focus on what matters the most and let go of the things that mean the least. We only get one shot at this thing called life, so don’t waste it on things that don’t matter. Author Francis Chan said, “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”
Choose today to take the chill pill and eliminate what doesn’t need to be a part of a healthy Godly lifestyle.
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