When our two daughters were younger, we surprised them with a family vacation to Walt Disney World. We had an enchanting experience enjoying the sheer magic of Disney. Not only did we have a blast riding the rides, meeting characters, eating at fun restaurants, and seeing great shows, but we also learned so much. Disney not only values amusement; it also emphasizes education.
One of the things I remember learning was a fascinating fact about pink flamingos. While in the Animal Kingdom, I was mesmerized watching these beautiful creatures walk, run, and eat. But what really caught my attention was a group of flamingos standing very still on one leg with the other leg curled up. This was an amazing sight because if you’ve ever seen a pink flamingo, you know their legs aren’t much more than tiny straws when compared with the rest of their body. I couldn’t believe that one teeny-tiny leg could support all of their weight. These birds stood still as statues, not flinching a muscle. I assumed they were trying to get some yoga training in while the day was still young, but I went ahead and asked the tour guide what the true reason was. Her answer was simply, “They like it.” She told me that flamingos stand on one leg when they sleep when they rise, and really anytime they want to. They simply like it, but no one really knows why. Go figure.
It’s a mystery to scientists exactly why flamingos spend so much time on one leg. It’s an amazing feat when you notice their legs are so much longer than their bodies and that their body is designed like a horizontal weight balancing on top of these skinny sticks. People, on the other hand, have their weight distributed vertically, lining up with the center of gravity. So because of this, one would think it would be easier for people to stand on one leg than our pink-feathered friends. But anyone who has gone leg-to-leg with a flamingo in a balancing contest knows this isn’t true. We would all agree that it is much easier to stand on two legs. The more support we have, the better off we are unless you are a flamingo, of course.
Think about these dynamic duos that just seem to be better together than standing alone:
- Peanut Butter & Jelly
- Macaroni & Cheese
- Salt & Pepper
- Cake & Icecream
- Dora & Diego
- Love & Marriage
- Pen & Paper
- Lock & Key
- Romeo & Juliet
- Nuts & Bolts
Each of these things needs the other to make a great combination. We’re better together when it comes to almost everything, which is why teamwork is essential. Immense research has shown that if someone is in community with other like-minded people who are pursuing the same goal, the chances of success dramatically increase. This is why weight loss groups see such great results. The reality is, we can’t stand alone in life. When we stand alone, we are more vulnerable to being knocked over. We can’t succeed to the fullest on our own; we need each other.
Every successful person has a great inner circle. A group of people they change the world with. You are only as good as those you surround yourself with. To be great, you have to be a great team-builder. As my mentor, Dr. John C. Maxwell, teaches, one is too small a number to achieve greatness.
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