Just because your logical mind can’t conceive of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You see, there are many things in your life that you have not logically figured out, but they still happened or still exist. Throughout your life, you’ve experienced things that you just can’t explain; they just happened, whether good or bad.
We can’t always rely solely on our logical minds, because we limit ourselves by our reasoning abilities. Reasoning will only take you so far. Eventually, it gets to a point where you can’t reason something away anymore, and that’s where we become uncomfortable, where confusion and unbelief set in. But I’m here to tell you that if Christianity is real, which I believe it is, and if God is real, which I believe He is, then you have to subscribe to the idea that there are going to be things in your life that you’re not going to be able to figure out. God is going to move in ways that you can’t logically wrap your mind around. He is always doing something, regardless of what your mind can comprehend.
Now, here’s the deal, God does things that aren’t logical. We see it all the time in the Gospels. Look at the miracles of Jesus. How did Jesus feed 5,000 people? He took a little boy’s lunch of bread and a couple of fish, and He turned it into a feast of loaves and fishes for the masses. Jesus took what is natural, mixed it with His super, and fed 5,000 people; it became supernatural!
We see this when He turned the water into wine, Jesus’ first miracle performed at a wedding in Cana. The people came to Him saying, “We don’t have any wine; we’re all out.” Jesus replied, “What do you have?” They said, “Well, we have these vats of water.” He quickly responded, “Bring them to me,” and then He turned it into barrels of wine. Again, He uses the natural things of this world and infuses his super to create the supernatural.
How about when the blind guy came to Jesus about healing his eyes? What did Jesus do? This is crazy, unorthodox. He spits in the dirt and made a mud paste that He rubbed on the guy’s eyes, and the guy was healed- his sight restored! How is any of this logical? It’s not…it’s supernatural.
Stop trying to figure everything out and start relying on the power of God to lead and guide you each and every day. Believe God for great things and He’ll do just that.
What areas of your life do you need to start raising your level of faith?
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