On Sunday mornings we have been doing a series called, MOMENTUM. Pastor Chris has been doing an amazing job communicating some great things for us. This last Sunday he had a great thought…
“Worry is thinking about things you DON’T want to happen…Faith is thinking about things you DO want to happen.”
What a great statement. You know the Bible has a lot to say about the WAY we think and the THINGS that we think about. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart so he is.” The THINGS we think about directly effect the way in which we live. Our thoughts shape our views, our views shape our outlook, our outlook shapes our decisions, our decisions shape our lives. The Bible encourages us to have the MIND OF CHRIST. To think on the RIGHT things, the GODLY things, the NOBLE things according to Philippians 4:8. When you spend your time THINKING about the WRONG things, you waste precious time and thoughts. When we squander our THOUGHTS on Godless, sinful, angry, hateful, negative types of thinking we miss having the MIND OF CHRIST. The MIND OF CHRIST directs us and leads us by the Holy Spirit. When we focus on what we DON’T have, it brings us down. We need to focus on the things we DO have. Focus on the blessings, forgiveness, power, freedom, hope, and joy we have in Christ. Worrying and being negative have NO fruit. They are worthless thoughts that only destroy. The enemy is a thief who only comes to steal, kill and destroy. The enemy would love nothing more than to steal and rob us of the blessings and joy we have in life. So here are some tips to get our thinking in the right place…
1. Filter Your Thoughts – Hold every thought captive to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says to…”Demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” If we don’t filter our thoughts they will get OUT OF CONTROL, OFF THE RAILS ON A CRAZY TRAIN to destruction. Our sinful flesh nature always will bend to the negative if we are not careful. So practice the art of filtering. Filters purify things and catch the junk so it does’t contaminate. We must filter our thoughts.
2. Spend Time Thinking – Just like you have to discipline yourself to exercise or read, you have to discipline yourself to spend intentional time meditating on God’s word, your dreams, and the person you are becoming. There is something powerful about quieting our surroundings and taking time to let our thoughts connect with the living God. This place of meditating is where God shows up in some of the most powerful ways. God will reveal the secrets of His heart to those who begin to seek Him.
3. Develop Your Thoughts – That means do something about the great things you and God are beginning to share. It does no good to think about great things and then forget them, that is merely a dream. We have to move from dreams to reality and that takes initiative to step out and begin to live your thoughts out. Don’t just be a daydreamer. Eventually you have to wake up and become a dream-DOer. Don’t be afraid of your thoughts. Too many people dismiss their THOUGHTS asjust wishful thinking, but believe in your thoughts especially if God is putting those thoughts there. Take time to develop your thoughts and flesh them out in a real way.
Protect your thoughts, cultivate your thoughts, learn to think better, and let God give you His mind and wisdom to let your thoughts soar.
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