The greatest enemy of creativity is pride. When you think you know it all is when innovation begins to get eliminated from your life. When you stop seeking new ways to grow is when you stifle your ability to produce greater results. Vernon Howard said, “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”
I have met and coached many people who have stopped growing because they think they have “arrived.” The truth is you never arrive, and you never stop growing…or should I say you “should” never stop growing. Unfortunately many people have stopped growing because their pride block them from learning. Only when we admit that we don’t know can we ever hope to learn more. Coach John Wooden said, “It’s wha you learn after you know it all that counts.”
So how do you keep pride from blocking your creative potential and break through it?
1. Eat Some Humble Pie
Humble pie doesn’t always taste the best…but it is the most healthy way to survive. The best definition I have ever heard of about humility is…humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s just thinking of yourself less. Humility positions itself in a state of learning that always assumes it doesn’t know everything…and that is what will keep you creative and fresh. It is the moment we eat pride pie that we cut off new opportunities that could have helped us.
2. Stop Assuming You Already Know Everything
I talk with many people who always respond to everyone’s critique with…”I know…” The truth is they DON’T KNOW. It is human nature to think we have everything figured out especially in the areas we are good in. When you assume you already know the answer, you limit yourself from seeing a new perspective. This is a powerful statement…You DO already know everything to keep you where you’re at, but you DO NOT know everything to get you to where you need to go or you would already be there. That statement should slap you in the face…in a good way. The reason you are not where you want to be is BECAUSE you don’t KNOW how to get there yet! That is why you must admit you don’t know everything.
If you want to always be creative and foster a greater ability to innovate in your life…you must ask questions. If you answer more questions than you ask you have it backwards. Socrates taught that the quality of our life is dependent on the quality of questions we ask. The more questions you ask the more opportunity you have to grow and learn. And the more you grow and learn the more you can do! Always stay in observe mode and figure out WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY. When you ask questions you position yourself in growth mode, and that will always reward you with a wealth of wisdom. The fool is the one who always talks…it’s the wise person who always listens and ask questions.
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