Many people limit their potential because they fear other people’s opinions about them. They trap themselves in a prison of low self worth based on what others have said and done to them.
We cannot believe what others say about us over what God says about us. Too often we allow what people think about us to determine our level of courage. When we fear what others say about us, we become trapped in a prison of self-consciousness.
In his work, The Life of Andrew Jackson, Marquis James tells of a Sunday morning in 1818 when Circuit Preacher Peter Cartwright delivered a sermon. The traveling preacher was warned that the up and coming President General Andrew Jackson would be in attendance and to keep his remarks inoffensive, as to not upset the General. After all, Andrew Jackson was well known for his fiery temper and deadly duels. However, during his message, Peter Cartwright came out and said, “I have been told that Andrew Jackson is here today and to hold back any offensive remarks. What I must say is that Andrew Jackson will go to hell if he does not repent of his sin.” It is said that after the sermon the General approached Cartwright and said, “If I had a regiment of men like you, I could whip the world.”
Never let the fear of others keep you from stepping out in courageous faith. Envision having no fear of rejection. Imagine not being afraid of what others think or say about you. Picture all you could do for God if you were free from the worry of what might happen to your reputation. Remember this: what you fear about others will only limit the difference you can make in them. God is the one who validates and qualifies you; not others. He calls you, “Blessed.”
John 20:29
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
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