My question to you today is this… “What was the last thing God told you to do?”
What’s your mission right now?
Maybe you don’t know the answer. So I’m going to challenge you today. You see, God wants to speak to us and give us specific missions. We should always have our eyes on a target that God has called us to. We need to have targets He is calling us to work on, targets that He is calling us to go after. God will speak to us and He’ll put a mission in our heart if we take the time to allow Him to. But, if we don’t allow God to the speak to us and give us a target, then we’re going to miss what God has for our future. Zig Ziglar said, “If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.” If you don’t have a target that God is calling you to you’ll be like the children of Israel, just sort of wandering in the desert, not really going anywhere, just running in circles.
Have you ever felt that your life has just been running in circles never getting anywhere. That’s what happens when you don’t have a target. That’s what happens when we don’t take the time for God to speak to us. And so my question is this, “What was the last thing God has told you to do?”
God will always plant something in us that He has called us to do. Sometimes God speaks to us through a mentor in our life. Here is another question: are you surrounding yourself with people that are speaking into you? People that love God and who are following God. God may speak to us through a book we are reading. Some of my greatest growth comes through the books that I read. As I begin to dig into them God begins to plant ideas and targets that He is calling me to do. Sometimes God will speak to us through situations and circumstances that we’re facing. Everything is a means for God to speak to us…get your antennas up. Tune into God’s frequencies.
Ask God to give you a target for your next step in life and see what happens. When He gives you the target be faithful to step out and make it happen! Never ask God to give you more, unless you have done the last thing He has called you to do.
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