It’s my birthday month, which means one thing: I’m currently accepting gifts in all forms—wrapped, unwrapped, and preferably with a gift receipt. Just kidding…sort of.
Seriously though, there’s something special about the thoughtfulness behind a present—whether it’s a surprise or something you’ve been hoping for. Birthdays have a way of sparking reflection, not just about the gifts we receive but about the surprises life has given us over the years. And as I thought about these things, I realized how much life itself is a gift, one that we’re constantly unwrapping.
Life has a way of offering us moments wrapped in all kinds of packaging. Some are beautiful and expected, while others are messy and entirely unforeseen. But if we take the time to notice, open, and use these gifts, they can transform our perspective and maximize our journey in ways we never imagined.
The Universal Appeal of Giving
It’s no coincidence that giving is so deeply ingrained in us. It’s a language everyone understands. Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary, or just a random moment of generosity, giving reflects something innate about who we are. I believe that’s because it reflects the heart of God. At His core, God is a giver.
One of the most well-known verses in the Bible, John 3:16, says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” God’s ultimate gift is Jesus—a gift that brings hope, grace, and the promise of eternal life. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, not just once but every day, in new and unexpected ways.
So, what can we learn from this? Gifts aren’t meant to stay in their packaging. They’re meant to be seen, unwrapped, and used.
1. See the Gift
The first step is simply recognizing the gifts around us. Life is full of moments that often go unnoticed because we’re too busy or distracted. Think about how children run to a pile of presents, eyes wide with excitement. They don’t miss a single detail, from the size of the box to the color of the bow. How often do we wake up with that same sense of anticipation, ready to notice the gifts God has placed in our lives?
From relationships to opportunities, God has given us so much. But we have to be intentional about seeing it. The Bible reminds us in Lamentations 3:23 that His mercies are “new every morning.” Each day is like waking up to a fresh set of blessings under the tree of life.
2. Unwrap the Gift
Recognizing a gift is only the beginning. Once you see it, you have to open it. Imagine someone hands you a beautifully wrapped present, but you leave it sitting on the table unopened. It’s not enough to acknowledge it—you have to dive in and discover what’s inside.
Some of God’s gifts come in unexpected wrapping. They don’t always look like blessings at first glance. Maybe it’s a challenge that builds character, a detour that leads to a better destination, or even a closed door that sets you on the right path. As 2 Peter 1:3 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.” Sometimes, it just takes some unwrapping to see what’s really inside. Some of life’s greatest gifts don’t look at all like a gift at first…be patient.
3. Use the Gift
Finally, gifts are meant to be used. It’s not enough to admire them or stash them away for later. Whether it’s a talent, an opportunity, or a second chance, the true value of a gift is realized when we put it to work.
James 1:22 reminds us, “Do not merely listen to the word…Do what it says.” God gives us gifts not just for our benefit but to make a difference in the lives of others. Maybe you’ve been given the gift of encouragement, creativity, or leadership. How are you using it to bless those around you? Don’t leave the gifts you have been given in life on a shelf collecting dust. Put everything to use and be faithful with what you have.
Living with Gratitude
Reflecting on gifts—whether they come wrapped in ribbon or life’s experiences—reminds us to live with gratitude. Life isn’t always easy, and sometimes the “wrapping” can seem messy or even painful. But when we remember the ultimate gift of Jesus and the countless blessings He gives us every day, it shifts our perspective.
This birthday month, I’m challenging myself to notice the gifts God has placed in my life. I want to approach each day with eyes wide open, ready to see His goodness, unwrap the blessings, and use them to bring joy and hope to others.
What about you? As you reflect on the surprises life has brought, take a moment to recognize the gifts around you, unwrap them with care, and use them with purpose. You might find that life is more full of blessings than you ever realized.
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