Quit saying you don’t have what you need and start thanking God for what you already have. Too many times we’re always focused on what we don’t have we miss what we do have. We’re constantly frustrated, we’re always complaining, we spend more time whining about what we don’t have than being grateful and recognizing what we do have.
If you can flip that around, you’ll begin to see some amazing things happen in your life in a whole different way. When you start being grateful for what you do have and being faithful with what you do have, God will bring you what you don’t have. But if you complain about what you don’t have, how can you expect Him to even come close to giving you what you need. God doesn’t respond to complaints, he responds to faith.
God doesn’t respond to whining, He responds to boldness and courage and faith. Remember, the currency of heaven is faith. That’s what moves the heart of God. That’s what God is seeking.
Are you being driven by complaint and frustration or are you being driven by faith and trust? Be faithful to what God has already given you so that He can give you more. God only gives you more of that which you’ve been faithful with.
He doesn’t give you more of that which you squandered. God will test you. God will give you opportunities in little seed form, in embryonic stages. He’ll give you these little ideas or this little opportunity and He’ll say, “Are you going to be faithful in this?” Because if you’re faithful in that, He can trust you with the bigger things. But if you’re not faithful in the small things, how is He ever going to be able to trust you with the big things.
God withholds that which we’re not faithful to. But that which we’re faithful to, God opens up an abundance of.
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