I have bad news for you…you are filled with excuses.
That’s right…SO many excuses that you don’t even know it. In fact, the average person makes excuses all throughout the day…everyday. We are excuse filled people, always conjuring up a reason why we can’t do something. Wether it’s not wanting to exercise, eat right, study, pray, work, produce, talk, engage, respond, schedules, etc… we always have a seemingly good reason why to not do something.
The human brain is designed to take the path of least resistance. It is always seeking a simpler, non-confrotnatinal approach to everything. No one wakes up wanting to take a harder road than needed. In fact, it is scientifically proven that our brain is always trying to burn as little calories as needed in an effort of self-preservation. This is not bad, it is actually what keeps us from going crazy and knowing how to survive. Your brain is wired to only do what it has to in order to function. This is why you don’t think through every nuance of breathing and keeping your blood pumping, your body just does it without you having to consciously thinking about it. You don’t have to tell your body to breathe, your brain eliminates the need to consciously think about it and puts you on autopilot as to reserve energy and focus for other tasks. In the same way, your brain operates that way for everything in your life.
So why am I saying this? Because we are excuse filled machines always trying to take the path of least resistance, which can be good in some ways, but backfires on us in many other ways. In order to live life to the fullest, we can’t let our brain do what it wants…we have to transform our brain to operate in a way that moves from surviving mode to thriving mode.
Romans 12:2 (NIV)
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
If not careful, you will always make a logical excuse as to why you don’t need to do something, but if you want to experience your true potential you have to eliminate excuses. Your reason for doing has to outweigh your reason for not doing. The benefit of changing must surpass the comfort of staying.
Only when your WHY is bigger than your WHY NOT will you win. Quit making excuses in your life and take ownership of your choices. When you eliminate excuses you liberate your potential. By telling yourself that you can do something, your brain will go to work figuring out how to make it a reality. But if you tell yourself you can’t do something, your brain will go to work figuring out every excuse to make that belief a reality as well. Transform what you tell yourself and you’ll transform what you can do.
What’s your excuse you’ve been telling yourself?
Change that by telling yourself WHY you can do it and see what happens!
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.