Your excuses will always sound good to you. Do you know why?
But here’s the truth. When you feel down to nothing understand that God is up to something. It’s usually in those moments when you feel the least, that God begins to do the most.
It’s usually in the moments when you feel like you have nothing left that God’s provision kicks in. In fact, I think sometimes God wants us to get to the point where we’re empty so He can fill us right back up. In our weakness, He is made strong. In our emptiness, He makes us full. God has everything that you need to do everything that he’s called you to do. He’s got it. You have access to it.
Some of you reading this feel empty because you don’t feel like you’ve got what it takes for whatever reason. You’ve got to let your trust and your faith be more than your worry and your fear in the midst of the situations. Excuses are just lies in disguise. They are limiting and suppress your potential. Become an excuse-free person. Meaning, that you never allow excuses to hold you back. It’s too easy to blame something for every problem you have. But instead of wasting your energy on how it can’t be done, start to harness your faith to know that with Christ, it can be done.
If God is for you who can be against you? Start to rise up and let your faith believe God for bigger and better things in the future. Your level of expectation determines your experiences in life. Believe big and you’ll experience big things. Believe small and you’ll experience small things.
When Jesus healed the blind man’s eyes He told him…
Matthew 9:29b (NIV)
“According to your faith let it be done to you.”
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