When God looks at us does He see a partner that is passionately in love with Him or does He see a casual dater?
Our worship is the heartbeat of our love for Christ. It should be our highest priority. When we say, “Yes” to Jesus we have to say, “No” to anything else that does not honor Him. God wants nothing more than to satisfy us as we satisfy Him. Our worship is so much more than just songs, words, or simply believing in God. Worship is passionate intimacy with the love of our life. Worship is all about Him and His glory being reflected in us. He alone is the Author and Giver of life. Our worship can become so diluted with form, words, and styles. True worship is simply all about our hearts delighting in His heart. He is more than enough to satisfy the deepest longing within, to quench the thirst for more, to silence the darkest sin, and to fulfill the desperation for love. He is it! The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End! In Him is the only place where we find our reason. In Him are the depths of eternity.
Psalms 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
He alone is the only One that can satisfy with eternal pleasures! He is our highest priority in this life and the life to come. So why are there some in Christianity that are filled with so much emptiness? Why are they filled with unworthiness, rejection, and guilt? Are they truly falling in love with the person of Jesus, or are they just fearful of Hell? Have they tasted the depth of intimacy that Christ desires with them? I believe there is something missing in their life and it is a passion for Jesus. A desire for Him. A drive for His presence that lets nothing hinder it. What we need is an inner hunger for more of Jesus and less of us.
We must decrease so that God’s reflection can increase in us! Worshiping the Living God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is the first and foremost commandment above all things.
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