Why do we worship? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you worship God? If someone were to ask you to tell them why you worship God, what would you say? Maybe you would be able to answer immediately. Maybe you have never really thought much about why you worship. Some might respond to this question by saying, “Because God set me free.” But have you ever thought about what you were set free from? What is it that you were imprisoned by? What makes God so incredible that you choose to worship Him?
Our youngest daughter, Allie, went through the stage of the infamous “Why” questions not too long ago. Everything we discussed with her was always brought back to the question, “Why?” Kids have a deep seeded yearning in them to know the “Why” behind everything. Here is a sample conversation with our daughter in the car…
ME: I’m sorry baby, we can’t go back to Chuck E. Cheese tonight.
ME: Because we just left there an hour ago.
ME: Because we ran out of tokens and money.
ME: Because money doesn’t grow on trees.
ME: Because God didn’t make trees to grow money.
ME: Because we need to work hard for money.
ME: Because God wants us to do everything with hard work and honor.
ME: So we don’t get lazy.
ME: Because He made us to do great things.
ME: Because He loves us and wants to use us for His purposes.
ME: Because He created us for a reason.
DAUGHTER: Because He is God.
At this point in the conversation I continue repeating, “Because He is God and He is awesome.” Enough said. The point is, we, like a toddler, want to know the “Why” behind everything in life don’t we? It is hard to do something when we do not know why we do it. We lose focus and interest when we do not understand why.
We must understand why we worship God. The answer to this “Why” question is found in your heart. If you truly have a “Why” to worship God then your worship will naturally pour out to Him. The more “Why” or reason you have in your heart, the more worship you have in your life. People that don’t have an answer to the “Why” in their heart do not understand Who God is. If God is just an idea, religion, rules, or a duty, then they will not have a “Why” to drive their love for God. But when they have a “Why” because they have encountered God’s love, forgiveness, joy, peace, and His power, they have a starting point. And when they have a starting point they can now get their bearings to navigate their worship.
The more you seek God, the more you will find the “Why” of your worship. The more you will see His power at work in your life. When you start to see His power at work in you, there is no doubt about “Why” you worship the Creator of the Universe.
Philippians 3:8
What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowingChrist Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.
Paul knew his “Why.” Everything else in his life he considered worthless compared to knowing God. Only when you are pursuing His presence do you start to come to a place where everything else just pales in comparison to His purposes.
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