This Christmas season, I want to share with you some resources that will be a gift to your development. The greatest contributor to my success over the years has been the resources I have consumed. Nothing even comes in as a close second compared to the books I have read. So if I could buy you all a gift this Christmas season, it would be the books that have shaped my life and leadership for the best.
Since I can’t buy you all a book, I thought I would at least share with you the ones I believe you should gift to yourself this holiday. I promise they will give you a greater return than you’ve invested. Leaders are readers. And the greatest gift I can give you is the gift of personal development resources.
Here is the 1st gift I want to share with you:
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
I read this book early on as a follower of Christ, which helped shape me into who I am today. This book will inspire you, challenge you, and equip you to follow after God. I have shared many quotes and snippets from this book over the years. I believe it will help you as well.
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